Körnerpick Profi Breeding Plus
Takaisin tuotelistaukseen

Complementary feed for chick and poult

For strong chick growth • supports a well developed immune defense • includes probiotic cultures to enhance a balanced gut flora • breeding supplement for several poultry species as quails, chickens, geese and ducks

Körnerpick Profi Breeding Plus completes the specific demand of young chick, to avoid high losses during the rearing period of chicken, ducks and goose. Especially in the first weeks of life, the supply of relevant nutritients such as vitamins (B-complex, A, D and E) and trace elements (manganese and zinc) are important for the chick´s development.
A big challenge in this context is the not finally developed gut flora of young animals. Particularly stress or infections can lead to developmental disorders of the microbiom, which causes problems in digestion and intestinal absorption of nutrients. Furthermore it can result in a weakened immune system, as 70% of the chick´s immune cells are located in the intestine.
Not every chick is able to compensate these problems with deficiency symptoms and / or insufficient immune defense what possibly causes losses in the breeding flock. For this reason the additional feeding of special concentrates like Körnerpick Profi Breeding Plus, help to strengthen young chick in growth, gut development and immune defence.

Our chick feed Körnerpick Profi Breeding Plus is based on 3 pillars:

  • concentrated Vitamins and Trace Minerals for the ideal nutrition of young chick
  • probiotic Bacteria support a sound and balanced development of gut flora and immune system
  • essential Oils from Cinnamon and Oregano stimulate a balanced microbiom and have got appetizing effects

The benefits at a glance:

  • the plus for chick rearing
  • supports growth
  • probiotic bacteria promote healthy intestinal flora
  • also suitable for poultry such as geese & ducks

Whey powder (partially desugared, partially demineralized)
Raakavalkuainen1,9 %
Raakarasva0,06 %
Raakakuitu0,2 %
Tuhka9,1 %
Natrium1,67 %
Metioniini0,02 %
Lysiini0,09 %
A-vitamiini (3a672a) NA200.000 I.E.
D3-vitamiini (3a671) NA50.000 I.E.
Vitamin B1 (3a820) NA150 mg
B2-vitamiini (3a825i) NA300 mg
Vitamin C (3a300) NA1.000 mg
E Vitamiini (3a700) NA250 mg
Koliinikloridi (3a890) NA5.000 mg
Niacinamid (3a315) NA650 mg
Kalsium-D-Pantotenaatti (3a841) NA150 mg
Vitamin K3 (3a710) NA500 mg
Mangaani (3b503) Mangaani(II)sulfaatti, monohydraatti NA1.280 mg
Glysiinin sink­kikelaattihyd­raatti (kiinteä) (3b607) NA750 mg
Bacillus subtilis C-3102 (DSM 15544) (4b1820) ZA2x10^10 KBE
Zimtaldehyd (Flavis No.05.050) SA300 mg
Carvacrol (Flavis No. 04.031) SA300 mg
Capsicum oleoresin (CoE 108) SA120 mg

NA = Nutritional additives
ZA = Zootechnical additives
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensory additives
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Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: info@eggersmann.info

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